Tuesday, February 9, 2016

TAZ the Mouser

Couple photos of our buddy Taz, he is a little crazy so he blends right in with us.. He loves camp as well as the woods. He has a couple times walked upon a moose but all we have to do is give him a yell and he breaks off immediately. He is just a bark shy of being the perfect friend. Being a sheltie he barks at everything and everyone. You best have ear plugs when in the truck and he happens to see a horse, cow and even bales of hay and the music begins. Of course if he were perfect we would expect that all the time.

These photos were taken the other day when we hiked into camp, had not been up since November. Anyway on the way up he thought he would copy his wild relatives and catch a mouse or two, yea right, that could happen! He is beyond a doubt the biggest baby you can believe. He is so fierce that he is afraid to go down into the cellar, or into the bathroom or even go out in the dark alone. We even have to cut up the hot dog when we give him one at camp or home. I can say though that he does tremble whenever he hears those coyotes calling.

Anyway, just wanted to introduce you to Taz, He is an old Skowhegan  pup we picked up some years back from a fellow who went by the handle of the Cross-eyed Poacher. Nice enough fellow as long as there were no wardens around. Town mayor wanted to pay us for taking the barker off their hands but we didn't want to have to give the money back if things did not work out. He does do a good job of keeping them thar preaching people away that come around now and then, if you know what I mean.

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