Monday, August 26, 2013

Preview of the many rugged wood signs that I create for our little on line store. Be sure and check out all my many other signs in  The Rustic Woodshed  We offer custom made signs as well.

  BUCK FEVER Deer Hunting Sign - Camp, Cabin, Lodge, Lake House Decor - Deer Hunter Sign -Big Game Hunting Sign   PARTY SIGN - Hot Women Cold Beer, Rustic Wood Decor, Bar Sign, Game Room Sign, Cabin or Camp Decor  FLY FISHING SIGN, Fisherman Gift, Rustic Decor for Lake House, Cottage, Cabin, or Camp

If you would like to leave a comment click on comment at the end of the post.   Sign up to receive my blog by email in the email sign up box in the the mean time, Enjoy!

Friday, August 23, 2013

 My wife, our sheltie, Taz, and I were taking a ride on our Yamaha side x side at camp last week. On a particular woods road we were on I had remembered a spot that had two or three mushrooms developing along the forest edge last year. This year as we passed that particular spot I looked over to see if maybe there were any new ones growing this year, knowing full well the old ones were long gone. Sure enough, the above little fairy umbrella caught my eye. Stopping the machine, and with camera in hand, I walked over to see what kind of photo I could capure. I took three or four different shots at different angles and returned to the four-wheeler and my partners. Of course Taz about now was barking up a storm because I had stopped and interrupted his four wheeler ride.

When we returned home and I brought the photos up on the computer I saw something that I had not noticed while taking the photo, that being an ant (Pismire) sitting upon the crown enjoying a snack of wild Maine mushroom, which I thought made the photo even more interesting. Once again one of those wonderful little surprises that was originally unnoticed shows up on the computer. It is those type of surprises that make photography so much fun for me.

Below are a few of the many photos I have taken of mushrooms over the years. Thought maybe you would enjoy looking at a few. Any questions or thoughts please comment.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


 Adult wren with a snack for one of the chicks

Adult wren with big fat spider for one of the chicks

 One of the adults scoping out his new digs

Sorry that I have been away for those of you that enjoy my blog. Just one of those things with summer, our little on line shop, going to camp, etc.  I hope those excuses will exonerate me with you for being lax on this.

In all honesty, there has been a lot going on in my world. Have not gone to camp as much this year as we have in the past twenty or so years but have enjoyed it just as much. We have taken a couple side trips down along the Maine coast for something different and have spent a great deal of time right here in our own yard, which we enjoy very much.

Been doing a lot of my photography, I don't go anywhere unless I have my camera with me. Speaking of cameras, I just bought a new one that I will explain about in a later blog. I do have some really great photos (at least I think so) to share with you as well as some really neat wildlife videos from camp. I have deer, moose, bear and even another bob cat video that I took at camp. Those too I hope to be sharing with you all.

Summer is coming to an end soon, that is alright because I love September and October and of course deer hunting in November. This past summer we had three bird families raise their brood here in the yard. We had a tree swallow pair as well as two house wren broods raised. Not sure if the second pair of wrens was the original raising their second brood, which they often do. Wrens, like blue jays, are really hard to tell apart, seen one you seen them all.

They fledged yesterday morning and was able to get some neat photos of that as well. Very interesting to watch as one of the adult wrens almost took one by the wing to get him out of the house and on his first flight. All the while she was right next to him she kept making these very soft sounds, which I am sure were some type of instructions and that everything will be fine after the first crash landing. heheee!

This all happened in the AM, did not see them again until about dusk, they were all down in hedge of lilac I have at the end of our yard. I could see that the two adults where showing the young ones how to catch their own insects, parent welfare was over.

I could go on with other tales of this summer but do not want to bore you just yet. I will close with some wren photos to give you an idea of how they did.

We do have a lot of new products and signs in our on-line shop The Rustic Woodshed , we even carry a line of real moose poop and that is no bull.... I have also added more photos to The Photo Loft section in our shop. Check it out!

Well until the next blog enjoy what is left of the rapidly disappearing summer.